Academic Integrity
Linfield University operates under the assumption that all students are honest and ethical in the way they conduct their personal and scholastic lives. Academic work is evaluated on the assumption that the work presented is the student’s own, unless designated otherwise. Anything less is unacceptable and is considered a violation of academic integrity. Furthermore, a breach of academic integrity will have concrete consequences that may include failing a particular course or even dismissal from the university.
Unauthorized use of generative AI tools during the preparation and/or submission of academic work is prohibited and is considered a violation of this policy. Faculty should set clear guidelines in cases where the use of generative AI is encouraged or assigned and students should seek clarification if they are uncertain as to the scope of allowable use. The use of generative AI as part of submitted academic work must be properly documented in an appropriate format.
Violations of academic integrity include but are not limited to the following:
Using or attempting to use unauthorized sources, materials, information, or study aids in any submitted academic work.
Submission of academic work that includes material copied or paraphrased from published or unpublished sources without proper documentation. This includes self-plagiarism, the submission of work created by the student for another class unless he or she receives consent from both instructors.
Deliberate falsification or invention of any information, data, or citation in academic work.
Knowingly helping or attempting to help another to violate the university’s policy on academic integrity.
Faculty recognize their responsibility to help students understand academic integrity and how to conduct themselves with integrity in the classroom. To this end, faculty shall include a clear academic integrity policy within their syllabus.
In dealing with breaches of academic integrity, the instructor shall have discretion as to what penalty to impose regarding the course grade. Within ten days of the discovery of an offense, the instructor must submit in writing a description of the offense to both the student and the Dean of Students or designee. This description should include the course consequences for violations of academic integrity and the penalty given in the specific case. If the student disagrees with the accusation of a breach of academic integrity, the student will use the Academic Grievance process as outlined in the section entitled Academic Grievances. In addition, it is recommended that faculty issue an academic alert for any violation of the academic integrity policy.
The Dean of Students, or designee, will maintain a confidential list of students who are reported for violations of academic integrity in order to track repeat offenses. The dean will have discretion to refer a first time offender to the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities; however, any subsequent violations by the same student will automatically be referred to the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities. This decision on referral will be communicated in writing to the student and to the instructor(s), who has (have) a legitimate educational interest.
The Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities may impose university-level penalties upon the offending student. Fundamental fairness shall be in effect for all academic integrity proceedings, as outlined in the Policies and Procedures of the Student Policy Guide.