General Provisions

The following provisions apply to both Title IX Sexual Misconduct and Relationship Violence Procedures and Linfield University's Extended Sexual Misconduct and Relationship Violence Procedures.


A.    Retaliation is prohibited under the policy.

B.    A person may file a report of retaliation with the Title IX Coordinator under this policy. That report shall be handled in the same manner as any other report of retaliation under relevant provisions of the student conduct code.


A.    For any formal report or report that resulted in a proceeding under this policy, the University will maintain for a period of 7 years records of:

1.     Investigations including determination regarding responsibility

2.     Audio, audiovisual or transcript of hearings

3.     Any disciplinary sanctions imposed on the responding party

4.     Remedies provided to the reporting party

5.     Any appeal and the result therefrom

6.     Any informal resolution and the result therefrom

B.    For any disclosure that did not result in a proceeding under this policy, the University will maintain for a period of 7 years records of:

1.     any actions, including any supportive measures taken in response to a report including the University’s basis for its conclusion that its response was not unreasonable in the light of known circumstances and steps taken to restore or preserve equal access to the University's education program or activity.

2.     if supportive measures were not provided, the University will maintain a record of the reasons why its response was not clearly unreasonable in the light of known circumstances.

C.    The University will maintain for a period of 7 years the general records of all materials used to train Title IX Coordinators, investigators, Decision-maker(s), and any person who facilitates an informal resolution process.