Public Presentations
Public presentations are an integral part of University educational activity. The University is responsible for what is taught, displayed, or presented in the institution; not in the sense of content approval so much as with respect to educational value and public relations potential. The presentation of an event does not indicate University endorsement of program content or philosophy, even though the University bears costs and provides facilities.
Faculty members should confer with and have the approval of their departments or divisions with respect to the nature of presentations. ASLU-recognized student groups may sponsor presentations with ASLU approval.
All sponsors must take responsibility to complete prior arrangements for time and place and to respond to inquiries, complaints, and compliments. To the extent that controversy can be anticipated, faculty members and students are responsible for pointing out the controversial nature of the program in advance and including such considerations in their requests for Senate or departmental approval.
The University administration reserves the right to cancel or prevent certain public events with potential to arouse anti-social or irrational behavior; however, a careful adherence to policy guideline will minimize the probability of such action.