Lactation Resources & Reporting

Lactation Liaison

Students are encouraged to contact the Lactation Liaison to discuss resources, preparation, process, strategies, goals, or other concerns as soon as they know they will need lactation support. The Lactation Liaison can help the student anticipate and plan as there are common concerns and challenges among lactating students. The Lactation Liaison is available to support the student for the duration of lactation while at Linfield. To get assistance, please contact McMinnville campus Human Resources department located in Melrose Room 109 or by calling 503-883-2594.

Lactation Educational Resources

A list of resources is posted in the lactation room, on Facebook, and within this policy. These resources include, but are not limited to:

STUDENT Peer Support

There is a sign in sheet and a journal for connecting with each other in the lactation room. In addition, there is a Linfield Lactating Students Facebook group.  This group is for any Linfield student who is breast/chestfeeding. This will allow for students on all campuses to connect for support. If more assistance is needed to make connections, contact the Lactation Liaisons, Cheryl Langford at  or Naomi Pitcock, 

Challenges, Harassment, Non-Support, Reporting

Students needing additional support are encouraged to contact the Lactation Liaison and course or clinical faculty to discuss and make reasonable changes in accommodations. Linfield is bound by Title IX to treat breast/chestfeeding students’ needs in the same manner as any other temporary medical condition. Any member of the Linfield University community may report a violation of this policy to any faculty or administrator. Faculty and administrators must then bring the violation to the Title IX Coordinator. See the Student Policy Guide, Anti-Harassment section for reporting details. It is requested that the violation also be brought to the Lactation Liaisons for follow up and improvements.

Policy Publication

The Linfield University Lactation Support Policy will be published in the Student Policy Guide. It may be published in other places at discretion of faculty, staff, or administrators. These include but are not limited to: course syllabi and orientations, lactation rooms, commuter lounges, Student Life offices, counseling offices, health clinic, Learning Support Services offices, the Registrar’s Offices, recruitment materials, University electronic newsletters, bathrooms, new employee orientation materials, Linfield Lactating Students Facebook page, and the Linfield website.